Curriculum Vitae of Thomas Denker

12. 1. 1954 born in Wiesbaden, Germany
1956 - living at Frankfurt
1972 - 1978 study of physics in Frankfurt
1978 graduation as a Diplom-Physiker (~MS degree)
1978 - 1983 scientific collaborator of the Frankfurt Institute for Applied Physics
1983 Dr. phil. nat.
1983 - 1984 work an Electronic Engineer in Germany and the USA
2004 - mosaic maker
2007 - group exhibitions
2009 - 2014 president of DOMO e.V., the German association of mosaic artists
2015 - member of AIMC, the Associazione Internationale Mosaicisti Contemporanei

Bored by mosaics? What about pocket calculators?

a photo of Thomas Denker